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Your Mid-Year Resolutions

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Some of us have summer break or summer Fridays, and for those of us that don’t, days are still longer and spirits brighter. Summer is the perfect time to take a breath and give yourself some TLC.

We’ve hit the halfway mark since making New Year’s resolutions—what better time to do a mental, emotional check in? Whether January-you dreamt of a smaller dress size or fuller piggy bank, July-you is in the driver’s seat now with nothing but open, clear skies ahead.

Make time and brain space for a check in.

Maybe over your morning shower or afternoon latte, take some time to reflect on where you were at the beginning of the year in comparison to where you are now. What milestones, aha moments, and transitions have you been through? If you were to line-graph out your mental and emotional states, what would that look like? What things are you happy with? What things are you craving to improve?

Remember that change can be a very good thing.

Checking in with yourself can be eye-opening in a lot ways. Have a resolution you really nailed? You’ve come a long way and should celebrate those wins. Realizing that you haven’t made much progress? There’s no time like the present to break down resolutions into smaller, bite sized chunks. Planning out specific action items will keep things moving forward. Or maybe—just maybe—you’ve figured out that some New Year’s resolutions just no longer apply to your Mid-Year self. And that’s okay too. Instead of holding on, shift your focus.

Get a new game plan.

Whether you’re continuing to work on old resolutions or creating entirely new ones, it’s helpful to hit the reset button once in a while. Regroup, re-center yourself, and commit to a new game plan. This summer, put your vitamin D- and serotonin-soaked self to work. You’re worth it.